The first shots of World War III had begun when the aliens attacked. A divided world was unprepared for the unprovoked, unexpected invasion by a superior alien force. They struck without warning, without mercy. Cities were leveled in hours by their superior weapons and technology. Every continent on Earth suffered the loss of millions as the aliens advanced. Wave after wave of men and equipment entered the battle against the aliens. Losses mounted as military leaders across the globe struggled to find a solution to stop the invaders. What began as World War III had united Earth against the invaders. Emma Henderson, a professor at MIT, led her team to make dramatic advancements in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence. They were nearing completion of the first humanoid that was faster, stronger and smarter than any human could ever achieve when invasion began. Research stopped as they fled to safety in the Colorado mountains to work on an advanced drone. Navy pilots, Ray Henderson and Jerry Blake lead the air campaign against the aliens. Each successful tactic was swiftly countered by the aliens. How will they prevail against such odds? How would man survive? Can Emma and her team deliver the glimmer of hope the drone promises in time?
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Publication date: February 2, 2020
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